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Petrogrand och Putin ?

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Vad skall man tro? Petrogrands rekryteringar har goda kontakter med Kreml? Se deltagarna på FN´s energi och säkerhetskongress längst ned.

Googlade och fann smått häpnadsväckande information kring IGOR G SOLIARSKIY som jag kände att jag måste delge alla som intresserar sig för bolaget. Han är ju numera med och styr Petrogrand

Förenta Nationerna, FN, hade en stor energi och säkerhets kongress i Geneve för ett antal år sedan. Gammal info men ack så intressant. Bland deltagarna fanns bland andra generalsekreteraren för OPEC samt Vladimir Putin och vår man Igor G Soliarskiy. Skall man vara med på något roligt under 2012 är det nog Petrogrand man skall köpa. Läs även Cheborachkas senaste blogg Once in a Lifetime som sammanfattar läget väldigt bra.


Published:07 November 2003

UNECE Committee on Sustainable Energy is Launching Energy Security Forum


Energy security is today of upper most importance to policy makers, energy industries and the general public. There is an increased sense of vulnerability and concern about the future availability of reasonably priced energy. The instability and continuing conflict in Iraq, the tensions in the Middle East, sabotage and terrorist attacks in major oil and gas producing countries, the unfavourable investment climate in a number of producing countries, the growing energy import dependence of major consuming countries, and the corporate and policy failures, such as the Enron bankruptcy and the recent electric power blackouts in North America and Europe, are all contributing to heightened anxieties.

In response to these pressing issues and as a follow-up to the successful Energy Security Roundtable held last year, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Committee on Sustainable Energy will launch an Energy Security Forum during its annual session on Thursday 20 November 2003 beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the Salle du Conseil of the Palais des Nations. Panellists and delegates will be invited to share their views on how energy security risks and the financial markets affect each other.

Some of the most critical political concerns debated recently, in particular at the UN Security Council, have direct implications for energy security and the economies of UNECE member States. The Energy Security Forum will address the persistent vulnerability and instability of world energy markets and its interaction with global financial markets under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council.

The United Nations' contribution to resolving these issues lies in its convening capacity for policy dialogue as illustrated by the Global Compact launched by the Secretary-General of the United Nations with the private sector. The Energy Security Forum will bring together a unique group of energy companies, OPEC, key consuming countries, major non-OPEC hydrocarbon exporters and leading financial institutions to determine how energy security risks are perceived by different constituencies and how such risks can be mitigated through dialogue.

The Energy Security Forum is designed to promote a dialogue for reconciling three different points of view: energy security risks as perceived by the energy industry, financial institutions and governments. The Forum will be launched with a series of presentations during the Discourse Session that examine how energy security risks and financial markets interact. The Dialogue Session will then initiate a debate on energy security risks between senior executives of the energy industries, the financial community and delegates of the intergovernmental UNECE Committee on Sustainable Energy.

The panellists for the Forum are:H.E. Mr. Alvaro Silva-Calderon, Secretary General, OPEC; Mr. Red Cavaney, President and Chief Executive Officer, American Petroleum Institute; Mr. Vagit Alekperov, President and CEO, Lukoil / Mr. Dmitry Tarasov, First Vice President, Lukoil; Mr. Bruno Porro, Chief Risk Officer and Member of the Board, Swiss Re; Mr. Robert McFarlane, Chief Executive Officer, Energy and Communication Solutions; Mr. Albert Bressand, Executive Senior Vice President, Shell International; Mr. Trevor Pitman, Group Managing Director, Fitch Ratings; Mr. Matthew Harris, Managing Director, Co-Head Global Energy Group, Credit Suisse First Boston; Mr. Igor Makarov, President, ITERA Group; Mr. Victor Kaluzhny, Deputy Foreign Minister and Special Envoy of H.E. Mr. Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation; Mr. Alan Banks, Chief Executive Officer, Core Ratings; Mr. Magne Seljeflot, Chairman, Aon Energy Group; Mr. Togrul Bagirov, Executive Vice President, Moscow International Petroleum Club; Mr. Wilfried Czernie, Senior General Manager, Ruhrgas; Mr. Leonid Bokhanovsky, Senior Vice President, StroyTransGas; Mr. Igor Solyarsky, Vice President, Transneft; Mr. Stanislav Tsygankov, Director of Department, Gazprom; and Mr. Nigel Alington, Executive Director, Aon Risk Consulting.


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