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G5 Entertainment CEO-interview 2, 2012

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G5 Entertainments aktie forsätter att falla på börsen. Jag sitter lugn i båten och väntar på bättre tider och tror att dessa tider kommer snart. Det florerar en hel del rykten om att både Samsung och Apple är på väg att släppa nya läsplattor och telefoner inom en snar framtid. Det kassajusterade pe-talet för 2012 ligger nu på 9,5 med en kassa på 10Msek vid årets slut och en vpa på 3,2. För 2013 ligger pe-talet på ca 5 baserat på 5,76 i vpa. Dock är 2013 års siffror lågt räknade då kassaflödet enligt den senaste rapporten kommer vara positivt under nästa år. Så nu var det dags för en intervju G5s Vd igen, håll till godo:).

1. Last year G5 presented an updated forcast for 2012 on the 4th of october 2011, will you present a forcast for 2013 this year around the same time as last year? VD: In our interim reports we have communicated that we are moving towards the goal of achieving 300 MSEK revenue and 100 MSEK operating result, and that we aim to keep the company growth pace at around 2010/2011 levels, which means roughly doubling the company's revenue and operating result every year. We grew fast in 2010 and 2011, and we continue growing fast in 2012, as you can see from our report. It is our intention to keep this pace of growth all the way to achieving the communicated goal. Min kommentar: Inget svar på om en upptatering kommer i oktober men Om man här leker lite med siffror borde vi alltså med en lågt räknad omsättningstillväxt på 80 % och en 80% vinsttilläxt under de närmaste åren få följande siffror:
2013= omsättning= 157 Msek vpa= 5,76
2014= omsättning = 282 Msek vpa= 10,34

2 The market is growing heavily and there are some rumors that new tablets and smartphone are coming soon. Are you waiting intentionally to release your new blockbuster games until these new tablets and phones are released (for example ipad mini, iphone 5, samsungs new tablet etc)? VD:We do track the information about the upcoming new hardware releases and we might align the release dates when it makes sense. "More and faster" is not always the best strategy. Our primary goal is to maximize the sales and profitability of each particular game, and develop company's business in mid- and long-term. Min kommentar: Det är bra att G5 ibland väntar med att släppa sina bästa spel i samband med nya hårdvarureleaser.

3. When do you think that your games could be dowloaded directly to the tv and do you have to redevelop your games to the smart tvs, if so, do you now how long it would take to convert your games to for example samsungs smart tv and apples new tv? VD:We will communicate to the market in due order. Be sure we are following the news of the development of promising platforms. Min kommentar: Det här kan bli nästa stora trigger för G5 som är erkänt snabba på att hoppa på nya plattformar.

4.You have presented Jumpster as you first physics puzzle game. Are you planning to release more games in this genre? VD:This is going to depend, among other things, on how well Jumpster performs. We are yet to launch the game. Min kommentar: Jag tycker att G5 behöver brädda sitt utbud i framtiden och satsa på nya innovatiova spel i fler genrer.

5. You have previously mentioned that all of you games, like for example supermarket mania and stand o food will become playground games is this still the case? VD: Yes, and as we communicated in the reports, we have a number of F2P games in development for release in 2012 and 2013. None of these games are announced yet. Min kommentar: Bra att G5 satsar mer på fremium spel som genererar mer pengar per användare än vanliga spel.

6. What are your organizational planes for the future? will you grow you office in the us, Ukraine and Russia etc? VD:We do not set goals in terms of growing our offices. We set goals in terms of growing our revenue and operating result, and then we determine how are we going to need to grow our staff in order to achieve those goals. Furthermore, we prefer to get revenue first, and then add expenses and staff later. This ensures that the capital is used optimally and allows for profitable high organic growth that we are showing for the third year now. Ukraine, Russia, and US are our three existing office locations, with over 100 people in Ukraine, 15 in Moscow and only 3 in USA. We plan on adding more staff only as necessary to develop the group's business further and achieve the strategic goals we have set for the group.

7. Do you have any plans to change stock market list, if yes when and to which, small cap maybe or the us? VD:You will have to follow our news to get information about this when / if it is available.

8. Anything else you would like to share? VD: Even after three years of fast-paced growth, there are still plenty of opportunities for G5 on the market. We are excited about the games we have in our pipeline - both casual freemium and F2P games with virtual goods. Our Android portfolio is strengthening. We have highest revenue per game among our casual game competitors, according to analytics, and the best casual game studios work with G5. We work with over 60 studios now. We have built thriving and fast-growing business from almost nothing in only three years, and we are not slowing down. The market of smartphones and tablets is growing, as is the market for games on these devices. According to reports, consumers now spend 10% of their time with their smartphones and tablets, and most of that time they spend on games. Unlike our competitors, we do not have a declining web or desktop or feature phone business. G5's business is pure smartphone and tablet play, and this is where the most dramatic growth in the industry is happening at the moment. It is one of a few opportunities for the investors to participate in this fast growing sector, and of these opportunities the only business which does not rely on revenue outside smartphone and tablet segments. Min kommentar: Det väntar som sagt mycket spännande tider för oss g5-ägare framöver och vi är bara i början av tillväxtperioden.

Marknaden i år kommer breddas betydligt när Apple kommer med sin nya Iphone 5 med större skärm vilket gynnar G5s spel som i dagsläget är mer populära på Ipad än iphone. Om Apple dessutom kommer med en minivariant av ipad som väntas bli mycket billigare till kund kommer marknaden att explodera. Redan under närmaste veckan kommer vi även få reda på om Samsung kommer med sin nya läsplatta som förväntas släppas i samband med IFA-mässan i Berlin som startar på fredag. Så inom en snar framtid borde vi även få se riktigt bra spelsläpp från G5. Lycka till!



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