G5 Entertainment CEO-interview 5
2011-10-11 10:41, Edited at: 2011-10-11 10:42Please note: Community posts are written by its members and not by Redeye’s research department. As a reader you’re always encouraged to critically analyze the content.
Spelutvecklaren G5 entertainment går från klarhet till klarhet. Förra veckan presenterades en prognos för 2012 som vida överstiger marknadens förväntningar. I Prognosen säger företaget att omsättningen kommer att ligga på 87 Msek och ett rörelseresultat på 30 msek. Det kassajusterade pe-talet ligger nu på 6,2 vid kurs 22,4 och en förväntad kassa på 20 msek. Jag tyckte det var dags för en ny intervju med VD. Tack till alla er som bidragit med frågor och håll till godo.
1. Concerning G5 US strategy: how is the work with marketing going and how are you approaching the market. VD: US office – it is doing well, and already brings results. US office can be credited for securing a lot of promotion for our Android releases from Google, also increasing the number of promotions we get in Apple App Store, improving our marketing practices — take a look at the number of G5 Facebook fans and YouTube views for example; it's growing faster than before and accelerating. Also our mailing list is growing faster. As positive momentum accumulates, we will see more effect from our marketing efforts. Min kommentar: jag har varit lite osäker på den här satsningen men det verkar som sagt redan börjat att ge frukt.
2. What is the conversion rate for android in %? VD:We do not disclose our conversion rates. Min kommentar: Konvertringgraden för ios ligger på runt 17% medan android ligger lägre. Jag skulle tro ca 10%.
3. Do you plan any more freemium release this year except virtual city? Are the freemium games more profitable than other games?VD: There are certain advantages when it comes to monetization of freemium/social games compared to try-before-you-buy casual games. Before the end of the year, we will be releasing Virtual City Playground on iPhone and Android. We definitely will be releasing more games in this format, but I will not provide the timeline at the moment. Min kommentar: Freemiumspel är spel där man kan köpa saker i spelet, vilket ger högre intäkter per spel.
4. Do you have any planes to enter new gaming types i.e. arcade, shooting etc? VD: No, we like to stay focused. Min kommentar: Förmodligen skulle det vara dyrare att utveckla nya typer av spel än att utveckla casual gaming spelen vidare.
5. Do you have any plans to enter new consoles i.e. Windows mobile and Blackberry? VD:We are always looking for new promising platforms for our games. But we must be sure the platform has good future and growing installed base and ideally a growing market share.
6. Do you have any plans of entering social medias again like Facebook? VD:We don't have anything to say on this at the moment. Min kommentar: G5 har släppt Super market mania på Fejan tidigare så vi får se om det blir några fler spel här.
7. How is the technology development going with the talisman technique? VD:It's going good.
8. Do you have any news about the double tax question in Sweden? You previously stated: "Our position, based on our structure, and studying of EU regulations and the agreement with Apple, is that Apple is the Seller and they pay full VAT on their sales in EU. I am not in a position to comment on any other cases, I can only speak for G5." VD:Our position did not change. Also, we don't have operations in Sweden. This issue is a big issue for developers based in Sweden, as I understand.
9. Your visions are to turnover 300 Msek and have a profit of 100 Msek in a couple of years. Can you specify and comment on this vision. I.e. in how many years? VD:It's easy to do the math knowing what is the revenue forecast for 2011. If we can keep 100% growth, it can happen in 3 years. If we can grow faster, it will happen sooner. If we grow slower, it will happen later. Min kommentar: Om de dubblar omsättningen varje år, vilket inte alls är omöjligt då smartphone och läsplattemarknaden väntas fortsätta växa snabbt de närmaste åren, så ger det en omsättning på 174 Msek 2013 och 348 Msek 2014.
10. The forecast for next year? How many games do you plan to release and how many will be 100% G5 developed and owned? VD:It was just announced, the forecast. We did not announce the exact number of games we plan to release next year, but we did say a number of times that the goal is to release at least one game on iOS and Android every week. Our revenue per game continues to grow, and we will work further on improving returns from one game. This is especially true when it comes to the games that G5 will develop internally. Our goal with these games is to raise the bar, bring casual games to the next level of quality and profitability. Min kommentar: Detta ger oss alltså minst 104 releaser nästa år och det ska bli mycket intressant hur de planerar att öka intäkterna per spel. Det kan vara fler freemiumspel på g eller så kanske de börjar med att sälja marknadsföringsplatser i spelen. Jag vet exempelvis att ett amerikanskt spelföretag får in 25 % av intäkterna genom att sälja marknadsföringsplatser i spelen.
VD avlutar med: Thanks for reaching out. It's quite a busy time now, so excuse me for short replies.
Jag avlutar med ett rungande Lycka till!