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GNI - Epicept

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Igår svarade Shanghai Genomics på mitt mail angående EP1013 eller F-1013 som dom kallar den. Mail korespondensen ser ni nedanför


_Dear ###,

The information on your website provides no information of the drug F-1013, to my understanding this drug is currently ongoing a pre-IND application work assigned to you by GNI. I have requested information about how the work is progressing and when a IND application is expected to be filed numerous times to both Shanghai Genomics and GNI. I hope you can answer my questions.

With great respect ###_

Shanghai Genomics:

Dear ###,

Apparently nobody has received your inquiry due to reason we can not understand. I am sorry for that. Before I can answer your question, please provide me some background information so that I can determine the level of disclosure. Thank you for your interest in our company.


_Dear ###,

I\'m a amateur business analyst covering various biotech companies with connection to EpiCept. I write reviews and analysis regarding the movement and pricing of EpiCept\'s stock. Since your partnership with EpiCept there has been no information flow regarding F-1013, at least not any I\'ve seen. So basicly I just want to know more in regard to the pre-IND work you are doing or any information you can disclose regarding your work on F-1013. I feel it\'s a drug related to a very serious disease and really want a better understanding of what time table we are looking at in terms for a phase I study._

Shanghai Genomics:

Dear ###,

We indeed licensed 1013 from Epicept for clinical development in China and Asia. It is still in pre-IND stage. At this moment, I do not have an exact date of IND filing yet. Since EPICEPT and us are both public companies, we can not release furthur information other than the public disclosures. Thank you for your interest.

** Namn borttagna


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