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Epicept - Bob Cook frågor

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Den 10 februari skickade jag ett ytterligare mail till Bob Cook på Epicept. Denna gång fick jag delvis svar på mina frågor, dvs att han svarade på hälften av mailet. Frågorna och svaren är ganska intressanta. Jag har kortat ner mail kommunikationen till det som resulterade vara relevant för svaret.

Hi Robert,

I realise you have much to do in regard to the financial report coming up, however some questions have been raised in regard to the latest ELN newsletter. In the letter it can be read in an article regarding Ceplene:

The prevention of relapse was particularly pronounced in patients < 60 years(p=0.005), but a strong treatment effect was observed also in patients < 70 years p=0.0047).

However it has never been stated by EpiCept, on your webbsite or in the media communication that Ceplene had such an impact even for persons in the age group "< 70". Is this something you will update or otherwise use to your advantage?

Furthermore, I mailed some questions to Jack seeing as I didn't want to disturb you during finalizing the years financial report, isn't he on ####?

My questions if you can find the time where:

"Hello Jack,

Usually I e-mail my inquirys to Bob, however seeing that the annual report is coming up soon I realize he must be quite busy at the moment.

My inquiry regards Lidopain and it's future, Bob told me that you had no plans on developing Lidopain BP as he explained, reaserch and development of substances for treating backpain is very expensive and time consuming. However seeing as you have a partnership with Endo in regard to Lidopain, isn't one part or the other bound by the agreement to develop this product. Seeing as the contract you have with Endo contains substantial amount of milestone payments that could seriously benefit the company I am very concerned as a stockholder about this matter. So what future do you see for Lidopain BP, either from your end or from Endo's end?

The other matter I wanted to discuss concerns the patent rights you currently have to certain aspects of Endo's product Lidoderm. Are theese patents subject to royalty payments or can you explain in more detail Epicept's part in Lidoderm?
..." -- Mail klippt

Svar från Bob Cook:

"Ceplene’s effect on patients <70 years old and <60 years old is data derived from the 0201 clinical trial. It was addressed in the EMEA discussions and is part of the product’s labeling.

There is a discussion of our license agreement with Endo in our 2007 Annual Report, which will be updated when we file our 2009 10-K report in March. Under the agreement, we licensed to Endo a patent governing the use of lidocaine for back pain. We are not eligible to receive any royalty on Lidoderm sales, however we are due various cash payments upon achievement of certain clinical, regulatory and sales milestones.

Bob Cook"

I årsredovisningen från 2007 kan man läsa detta om partnerskapet med Endo angående Lidoderm

"We are also eligible to receive milestone payments from Endo of up to approximately $30.0 million upon the achievement of specified net sales milestones of Lidoderm, Endo’s chronic lower back pain product candidate, so long as our patents provide protection thereof."

Eftertankar: Det kommer därför bli väldigt intressant att som Bob Cook nämner att läsa uppdateringen av avtalet i deras 10-K, Lidopain SP är ju ett överspelat kapital då fas III inte gav tillfredställande resultat, däremot Lidoderm BP eller Lidopain BP är fortfarande högintressant.


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