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Epicept - Another one bites the dust

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Efter lite efterforskningar under gårdagen på ELN\'s webbsite där G. Ossenkoppele har en betydande roll, för övrigt den G. Ossenkoppele som nyligen publicerat en Epicept främjande artikel om Ceplene i ELN\'s newsletter fann jag denna studie. Studien behandlar gemtuzumab ozogamicin som säljs av läkemedelsföretaget Wyeth under namnet Mylotarg och G. Ossenkoppele är en av medskribenterna. Artikeln är daterad till 26 januari 2010 och vi kan väl bara konstatera att ännu en drog faller på repet där Ceplene lyckats.

Från Wikipedia angående sideffekter:

"Common side effects of administration include shivering, fever, nausea and vomiting. Serious side effects include severe myelosuppression (suppressed activity of bone marrow, which is involved in formation of various blood cells [found in 98% of patients]), disorder of the respiratory system, tumor lysis syndrome, and Type III hypersensitivity."

Från Artikeln:

In older patients with AML prevention of relapse has remained one of the major therapeutic challenges with more than 75% relapses following complete remission (CR). The anti-CD33 immuno-toxin conjugate gemtuzumab ozogamicin (GO) has shown antileukemic remission induction activity in relapsed AML. Patients with AML or RAEB in first CR attained after intensive induction chemotherapy were randomized between three cycles of GO (6 mg/m(2) q 4-weeks) or no postremission therapy (control) to assess whether GO would improve outcome. The two treatment groups (113 pts GO versus 119 pts control) were comparable as regards age (60-78, median 67), performance status and cytogenetics. 110/113 received at least one cycle of GO and 65/113 patients completed the three cycles. Premature discontinuation was mainly due to incomplete hematological recovery or intercurrent relapse. Time towards recovery of platelets 50x10(9)/L and neutrophils 0.5x 10(9)/L after GO was 14 days and 20 days (median). Nonhematological toxicities were overall mild but there was one toxic death due to liver failure. There were no significant differences between both treatment groups as regards relapse probabilities, nonrelapse mortality, overall survival or disease-free survival (17% versus 16% at 5 years). Postremission treatment with GO in AML at older age does not provide benefits regarding any of the clinical endpoints



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