Countermines genombrott
2008-01-03 15:28, Edited at: 2010-06-11 11:00Please note: Community posts are written by its members and not by Redeye’s research department. As a reader you’re always encouraged to critically analyze the content.
Kan det tänkas bli denna vecka?
Tror det kan hetta till vid ingången när nyheten kommer. Är den sedan av rätt kaliber blir det fart. Ett serviceavtal med ett oljebolag på x antal miljoner är då ett bevis på att någon vill ha med Countermine att göra.
En annan mycket spännande konstelation är Iran Libyen som nu fördjupar sina relationer.
Libya and Iran signed Thursday ten memoranda of understandings (MoUs) on mutual cooperation that would prepare grounds for expansion of ties between the two countries.
Upp till 5 kr kan man kosta på att ta in aktien i väntan på rätt nyhet.
Ett trevligt välkomnande.
"Capitol Hill and a luncheon with executives from Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Occidental Petroleum and Raytheon, as well as the U.S. trade representative's office."
CEO från Caterpillar kanske också var där fast dom inte var med i texten. En starkt bidragande faktor är om Libyen bestämmer sig för många fler Oracel än 6 stycken då blir det nog en fabrik i Libyen med allt vad detta innebär.
Shalqam told about 100 business executives yesterday that he looked forward to signing new investment agreements during his three-day visit. In another reflection of Libya's new place in the world, it holds the presidency of the U.N. Security Council this month and a good part of his talks at the State Department will be about the U.N. agenda.
PS Fortsätt mjölka och betala inte mer än 5 kr i denna stund. Så länge någon är villig att sälja under 5 kr får det ses som ett bra köp.
The major source of the contamination with ERWs can be traced back more than 60 years to World War II, as well as to the Egypt-Israel wars of 1956, 1967, and 1973. The mine and ERW contamination is believed to affect about 2,680 square kilometers of land in the Western Desert area (from Alexandria to the Libyan border and 30 kilometers deep from the Mediterranean coastline) and in eastern areas (Sinai peninsula and Red Sea coast) with a total population of 800,000 being affected by the contamination. A systematic survey and analysis of the impact of mines is yet to be carried out, but landmines and ERW have been recognized to have a significant negative impact on Egypt, mainly as a development constraint. A United Nations Inter-Agency Assessment Mission, which was fielded in 2000, confirmed this to be the case. According to some government sources, mines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) in the Western Desert may deny access to the reserves of an estimated 4.8 billion barrels of oil and 13.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
Ska vi hoppas på en börsnotering i Libyen. ;-)
"Opening of the stock market at Benghazi city" till!!